On 31 January 2020 the President of the Constitutional Court of Romania, Professor Valer Dorneanu, PhD, and Mrs Claudia-Margareta Krupenschi, Assistant-Magistrate-in-chief, Director of the President’s Office, represented the Constitutional Court of Romania at the Seminar “The European Convention on Human Rights: living instrument at 70” and at the solemn hearing of the European Court of Human Rights, held in Strasbourg on the occasion of the opening of the judicial year. The seminar discussed the following topics: gender equality, the environment, and science and technology, in which the basic principles/criteria emerging from the ECHR case-law have been highlighted to address these highly topical issues of a socio-legal status.
On the previous day, the delegation of the Constitutional Court of Romania had a working meeting with the President of the European Court of Human Rights, Mr Linos-Alexandre SICILIANOS, attended also by Mrs Iulia Antoanella MOTOC, ECHR judge on behalf of Romania, Mr Roderick LIDDELL, Registrar, and Mr Patrick TITIUN, Head of the ECHR President’s Office, being discussed mainly relevant issues resulting from the recent jurisdictional activity of the European Court Human Rights and of the Constitutional Court of Romania.