Daniel-Marius Morar, appointed judge by the President of Romania (2013) for a nine-year term of office.
Born on 15 August 1966, in Luduș, Mureș county.
Graduate of the Faculty of Law, “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca (1990).
Public prosecutor at the Prosecutor’s office attached to Târgu Mureș Lower Court (1990-1992); the Prosecutor’s office attached to Cluj-Napoca Lower Court (1992-1994); the Prosecutor’s office attached to Cluj Tribunal (1994-1997); the Prosecutor’s office attached to Cluj Court of Appeal (1997-1999).
Chief Prosecutor of the Section of Criminal Prosecution in the Prosecutor’s office attached to Cluj Court of Appeal (1999-2002).
Prosecutor, temporarily assigned with the Section of Criminal Prosecution in the Prosecutor’s office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (September 1998 – January 1999; January – February 2001).
Prosecutor, the Section of Criminal Prosecution in the Prosecutor’s office attached to Cluj Court of Appeal (2002-2005).
Chief Prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate within the Prosecutor’s office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (2005-2012).
First Deputy (delegated) to the Prosecutor General, the Prosecutor’s office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (2012 – April 2013).
Member of the Board of Governors, the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) based in Laxenburg, Austria (2012 – to date).
Winner of the “European of the Year” awarded by the European Voice newspaper – part of The Economist Group (2011); Annual Prize of the Group for Social Dialogue for his remarkable activity in the fight against corruption (2012).