At the hearing on 10 February 2021, the Constitutional Court, in the context of the review of laws before promulgation, adjudicated on:
I. The referrals of unconstitutionality brought by the Romanian Government and the President of Romania relating to the unconstitutionality of the Law introducing derogating tax measures applicable to certain land, buildings constructed thereon and certain authorised economic.
Following deliberations, the Court decided, unanimously, to uphold the objections of unconstitutionality and held that the Law on derogating tax measures applicable to certain land, buildings constructed thereon and certain authorised economic activities was unconstitutional, as a whole.
II. The referral brought by the President of Romania on the unconstitutionality of the Law amending and supplementing Law No 24/2000 on technical legislative rules for the drafting of legislative acts and amending Law No 202/1998 on the organisation of the Official Gazette of Romania.
Adjudicating thereon, the Court decided:
a) It unanimously upheld the objection of unconstitutionality and found unconstitutional the provisions of Article I (1) with reference to Article 70 of Law No 24/2000, Article I (2) with reference to Article 70 ind.1 (l), (3) final sentence, (4), (5) and (6) of Law No 24/2000, Article I (2) with reference to Article 70 ind.2 (l), (3), (6) and (7) of Law No nr.24/2000, Article I (2) with reference to Article 70 (l) and (4) of Law No 24/2000 and Article IV (3) and (4) of the Law amending Law No 24/2000 on technical legislative rules for the drafting of legislative acts and amending Law No 202/1998 on the organisation of the Official Gazette of Romania.
b) By a majority vote,it dismissed as unfounded the objection of unconstitutionality in terms of the other provisions of the Law amending and supplementing Law No 24/2000 on technical legislative rules for the drafting of legislative acts and amending Law No 202/1998 on the organisation of the Official Gazette of Romania and found them to be constitutional in relation to the challenges brought.
The decision is final and generally binding.
The arguments retained as grounds for the solutions delivered by the Constitutional Court will be set out in the decisions, which will be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
The External Relations, Press and Protocol Department of the Constitutional Court of Romania