PRESS RELEASE, 18 January 2023

The Plenum of the Constitutional Court unanimously decided at its meeting of 18 January:

to declare 2023 as

The Year of “The Centennial of the Constitution of Unified Romania”

The Court took into account that the adoption of the 1923 Constitution marks a unique moment in Romania’s constitutional history, through which, at Basic Law level, the Romanians’ national project to achieve the Romanian unitary national State was completed and consolidated, and it represents the political and legal act that allowed the legislative and administrative unification of the Romanian State after the Great Union of 1918.

The 1923 Constitution enshrined for the first time in Romania’s constitutional history, by Article 103, “the right to examine the constitutionality of laws and declare inapplicable those contrary to the Constitution”.

Therefore, Romania celebrates in 2023 the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution promulgated by King Ferdinand I of Romania on 28 March 1923 by Royal Decree No 1360 as constitutional scripture needed “in order to consolidate and strengthen substantially our dear Romania”.

In this anniversary context, the Constitutional Court will celebrate the Centennial of the “Constitution of Unified Romania” by organising during 2023 several events, meetings, debates, conferences, scientific gatherings and thematic exhibitions, together with other State authorities, as well as with the civil society and the academia.

External Relations, Press and Protocol Department of the Constitutional Court