On Tuesday, 28 March 2022, the President of the Constitutional Court of Romania, Mr. Marian ENACHE, met with the President of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission), Mrs. Claire Bazy MALAURIE.
The meeting was also attended, on behalf of the Romanian authority of constitutional jurisdiction, by Mrs. Laura – Iuliana SCÂNTEI, Mr. Dimitrie – Bogdan LICU and Mr. Gheorghe STAN, judges, Mr. Károly BENKE, first -assistant magistrate, and Mrs. Cristina TITIRIȘCĂ, assistant magistrate and, on behalf of the Venice Commission, by Mr. Domenico VALLARIO, legal advisor.
The meeting took place in a cordial atmosphere and was organized after the conclusion of the Honorary Assembly celebrating the Centenary of the Constitution of Unified Romania, to which the representatives of the Venice Commission had also been guest participants.
The discussions focused on matters related to the institutional cooperation between the Constitutional Court of Romania and the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission), the meeting being considered as particularly fruitful for both parties.
The President of the Constitutional Court of Romania, Mr. Marian Enache, expressed the willingness to develop the collaboration between the two institutions, pointing out that it has been excellent over the years, recalling two former presidents of the Venice Commission, Antonio Mario La Pergola and Gianni Buquicchio, whose expertise was instrumental in the process of drafting the Romanian Constitution of 1991. On this occasion, the Romanian Constitutional Court also introduced its liaison agents with the Venice Commission, recently appointed by the Plenum, namely Mr. Gheorghe Stan, judge, and Mrs. Cristina Titirisca, assistant magistrate.
Mr. Marian Enache specified that the opinions of the Venice Commission, standing out through the force of their arguments, are cited in many of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania.
For her part, the president of the European Commission for Democracy through Law, Mrs. Claire Bazy Malaurie, noted the progress made by Romania and the fact that the Romanian Constitutional Court resisted pressure in the context of legislative changes in criminal and criminal procedure law. Mrs. Claire Bazy Malaurie expressed her gratitude towards all countries, including Romania, which managed to defend the constitutional values of the rule of law during difficult times.
At the same time, she showed interest in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania, if they also contain recommendations to the authorities. The President of the Constitutional Court of Romania explained that the structure of a decision includes the considerations and the operative part, both of which are binding for all public authorities.
At the end of the meeting, the President of the European Commission for Democracy through Law was invited to sign the Guest Book of the Constitutional Court of Romania.
The External Relations, Press and Protocol Department, of the Constitutional Court of Romania