PRESS RELEASE, 6 December 2024

At its hearing of 6 December 2024, the Constitutional Court, in order to ensure the correctness and legality of the electoral process, exercised its power under Article 146 (f) of the Constitution and, unanimously, decided as follows:
1. Pursuant to Article 146 (f) of the Constitution, the entire electoral process with regard to the election of the President of Romania, conducted on the basis of Government Decision No 756/2024 on setting the date of the 2024 presidential elections in Romania and Government Decision No 1061/2024 approving the calendar programme for carrying out the actions necessary for the election of the President of Romania in 2024, is annulled.

2. The electoral process for the election of the President of Romania will be resumed in full, with the Government setting a new date for the Romanian presidential elections, and a new calendar programme for the necessary actions.

3. This Decision shall be final and generally binding, shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, and shall be made public.

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The arguments set out in the grounds for the decision of the Constitutional Court will be set out in the decision, which will be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

External Relations, Press and Protocol Department of the Constitutional Court