I. On 6 October 2020, the Plenum of the Constitutional Court, within the a posteriori constitutional review, unanimously upheld the exception of unconstitutionality and found that Law No 42/2010 on the transfer to the administration of local public administration authorities of assets from the State’s public domain was unconstitutional, as a whole.
The decision is final and generally binding and it shall be notified to the two Chambers of Parliament, the Government and the court that referred to the Constitutional Court, respectively to the Constanța County Court.
The arguments retained as grounds for the solution delivered by the Plenum of the Constitutional Court shall be presented in the decision, to be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
II. Concerning the request for settlement of the legal conflict of a constitutional nature between the Romanian Parliament – the Senate, on the one hand, and the Public Ministry – the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice – the Prosecution and Forensics Section, on the other hand, request filed by the President of the Senate,
the Constitutional Court postponed its decision for 22 October 2020.
External Relations, Press and Protocol Department