PRESS RELEASE, 20 October 2020

On 20 October 2020, the Plenum of the Constitutional Court, within the a posteriori constitutional review, by unanimity, with regard to the provisions of Article 8 (3) to (9) and of Article 19 (2) to (6) of Law No 136/2020 establishing a series of measures in the field of public health in situations of epidemiological and biological risk, and by a majority vote, with regard to the provisions of Article 19 (1) of the same law, dismissed, as groundless, the exception of unconstitutionality and found that the provisions of Article 8 (3) to (9) with reference to the phrase “containment in a health unit or alternative location adjacent to the health unit” and of Article 19 of Law No 136/2020 establishing a series of measures in the field of public health in situations of epidemiological and biological risk were constitutional in relation to the pleas filed.

The decision is final and generally binding and it shall be notified to the two Chambers of Parliament, the Government and the Advocate of the People.

The arguments retained as grounds for the solution delivered by the Plenum of the Constitutional Court shall be presented in the decision, to be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

External Relations, Press and Protocol Department