I. At the hearing of 6 April 2022, the Constitutional Court, in the context of the review of laws prior to promulgation, decided:
– By a majority of votes, upheld the objection of unconstitutionality formulated by the Government of Romania and found that the Law amending Article 6 (9) of Law No 69/2000 on physical education and sport was unconstitutional;
– By unanimous vote, dismissed, as inadmissible, the objection of unconstitutionality of the provisions of the Law amending and supplementing certain normative acts in the field of electronic communications to establish measures to facilitate the development of electronic communications networks, an objection formulated by 41 Deputies belonging to the Alliance for the Unity of Romanians, to the Social Democratic Party and independent Deputies.
II. The Constitutional Court (after joining the two referrals with the same subject formulated by the People’s Advocate and 50 Deputies belonging to the Parliamentary Group of the Save Romania Union) postponed to 4 May 2022 the deliberations on the objection of unconstitutionality of the provisions of Article 2 (27) with reference to the introduction of Article 10 (2) in Government Emergency Ordinance No 111/2011 on electronic communications, Articles 10, 13 and 48 of the Law amending and supplementing certain normative acts in the field of electronic communications to establish measures to facilitate the development of electronic communications networks.
The decisions are final and generally binding.
The arguments set out in the grounds for the decisions of the Constitutional Court will be presented in the decisions, which will be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
External Relations, Press and Protocol Department of the Constitutional Court of the Constitutional Court