In order to correctly inform the public about the requests for the settlement of legal conflicts of a constitutional nature currently pending before the Constitutional Court, we would like to make the following clarifications:
1. On 8 September 2021, the Romanian Prime Minister submitted to the Constitutional Court the request to resolve the legal conflict of a constitutional nature between the Parliament of Romania, on the one hand, and the Romanian Government, on the other. The complaint is the subject of Case No 2764E/2021. The deadline for the submission of the views of the parties to the conflict was established for 15 September 2021, and the hearing was subsequently established for 28 September 2021.
2. On 15 September 2021, the President of the Senate submitted to the Constitutional Court the request to resolve the legal conflict of a constitutional nature between the Romanian Government and the Romanian Prime Minister, on the one hand, and the Parliament of Romania, on the other. The complaint is the subject of Case No 2799E/2021. The deadline for the submission of the views of the parties to the conflict was established for 29 September 2021. The hearing is to be established later, in accordance with Article 35 (2) of Law 47/1992 on the organisation and functioning of the Constitutional Court, namely “on the date when the last viewpoint has been received, but not later than twenty days from the receipt of the request, the President of the Constitutional Court shall establish the date for the hearing session to which he shall summon the parties involved in the dispute.” Therefore, the procedure for establishing the date for the hearing session takes place within a maximum of 20 days from the registration of the request, but the effective date of the hearing session, for which the parties to the conflict are invited at the headquarters of the Constitutional Court, will obviously be later than the date on which it is established by the President of the Court.
External Relations, Press and Protocol Department of the Constitutional Court of the Constitutional Court