At the hearing of 6 May 2021, the Constitutional Court, in the context of the review of laws following promulgation, unanimously upheld the exception of unconstitutionality and found unconstitutional the legislative solution of Article 21 (5) of Law No 360/2002 on the status of the policeman, which excludes the graduates with a bachelor diploma of a public order and safety studies program, respectively law, organized as full-time education studies program within the Police Academy «Alexandru Ioan Cuza» of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the possibility to capitalize accumulated services within the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in view of establishing the professional degree granted following graduation.
The provisions of Article 21 (5) of Law No 360/2002 stipulate that: „The policeman who enters the police officers corps pursuant to Article 9 (2) and the graduate with a bachelor diploma of a part-time studies program organized within the Police Academy «Alexandru Ioan Cuza» of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are granted the professional degree depending on the accumulated service within the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as follows: a) up to 5 year – police assistant inspector; b) between 5 and 10 years – police inspector; c) over 10 years – chief inspector.”
The decision is final and generally binding.
The arguments held in the reasons for the solution delivered by the Constitutional Court will be presented in the decision, which will be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
External Relations, Press and Protocol Department of the Constitutional Court